Take a look inside
Ye Pirate theme is maintained throughout the Club, and you could be forgiven for thinking you were in a Maritime Museum. A stroll around the rooms reveals a fascinating insight into the Club’s history. One of Ye Pirates’ treasured possessions is an item of Scrimshaw produced on board the whaling ship ‘Harriet’ and dated 24th December 1821.
The building is over 200 years old and persons reside on the premises. Occupants have, from time to time, reported feeling a ‘presence’ in the rooms. Expecting a sudden visitor, they have turned around to find themselves alone. The Club’s dog has previously challenged an unknown visitor and on one occasion, a figure was seen standing in the corridor known as ‘The Gangplank’.
A fascinating building, full of tangible atmosphere. Ye present Skipper and High Commande take great pride in preserving Ye Pirates’ Club’s heritage for the future.
Scrimshaw is the intricate carving of ivory or bone to produce artwork of outstanding detail. One of only a few indigenous American crafts which the Inuit and other native groups practiced for centuries along the North West Coast. Yankee Whalemen became Scrimshanders in the early 1800’s when monotonous whaling voyages lasted for two to five years. The Whalemen worked with whale teeth and jawbones and on many ships, whale’s teeth were part of the pay and were traded for goods and services.